Synopsis: A jolly old elf gives investors the gift that keeps on giving. Believe it! ‘Twas the night before Christmas, two thousand-eighteen Stocks were in the red, and not much else was making green. Worry lines were deepening, talk of recession filled the air Fueled by fears of softening real estate, and a trade war soon to flare. Global growth remained uneven, slowing abroad and in the ‘States And investors still were wondering, what’s the deal with interest rates? The Governors were all nestled, safely snoozing at the Fed Their tightening causing unease…for all but a man in red. He came down my gas fireplace “chimney,” magic he repeated far and near And went to work humming and grinning, stroking thoughtfully at his beard. As I approached him while he worked, he didn’t give his ground Just asked me what I wished for, never even turning ‘round. I had my list prepared, and let him know that for the coming year I wished for better markets, better news, clients filled with cheer. Then he chuckled to himself, a deep rumbling of pure delight. And I knew then in an instant, I hadn’t quite got this right. Your wishes will be granted, he said with mirth and some guile Then he shrugged and said it may be this year, or you may have to wait a while. There’s no sneak preview like George Bailey, or crystal ball for us to see There is no ghost of Christmas future, no one to show us what will be. But it’s the long term that matters, keep your clients on the right track, That’s the gift that keeps on giving, and it won’t come from this here sack. Of course, I knew that he was wise; in my heart I knew he was right. As he rode away on his sleigh, shouting Merry Christmas and goodnight! Photo:, Free to share and use Links & Sources:
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